Sky Lakes Medical Center | Live Smart | Summer 2018

Some things are a normal part of aging: reading glasses, say, or laugh lines around the eyes or mouth. But falls among older adults don’t have to be. Nationally, more than a fourth of adults 65 and older will take a fall sometime in a year. Yet many of these mishaps could be avoided with a few preventive steps. Prevention is important—once you’ve fallen, you may find yourself dealing with a broken bone or even a traumatic brain injury. You may end up in the hospital after a bad tumble; serious falls and their complications could even result in death. There are simple things you can do to avoid falls. Remember to stand up slowly, for instance, because getting up too quickly can make you feel wobbly. You can take a more active role in sidestepping accidents and injuries with the following tips: BALANCE CONCERNS? Call Sky Lakes Rehabilitation Services at 541-274-6406 to learn how physical therapy can help with balance issues and inner ear disorders. Stay steady on your feet 5 ways avoid a fall to 6 LIVE smart | Summer 2018 AGINGWELL 1 Exercise regularly. To stay upright, exercise regularly. Walking as little as 30 minutes, three times a week, can strengthen your bones and help prevent falls. (See the “Sunshine City Strollers” story on page 4.) Improving your balance, coordination and overall strength greatly lowers your chance of falling. Talk with your doctor to see what type of exercise program is right for you. 2 Choose the right shoes. Low-heeled and rubber- soled shoes help keep your feet securely on the ground. Walking around in socks, backless shoes or floppy slippers raises the risk that you may lose your footing.